[OpenAFS] Problem on a AFS client after a power failure
Giovanni Bracco
Tue, 4 Feb 2003 11:27:48 +0100
I have a Linux box with Red Hat 7.2, openafs client 1.2.3.
It has run smoothly for months but at the reboot after a main power failu=
afs was not able to restart again with the message:
afsd: can't mount AFS on /afs(22)
Clearing the cache and reinstalling afs did non help.
File system has been checked successfully.
Any suggestions?
Giovanni Bracco
Associazione EURATOM-ENEA sulla Fusione
C.R.E. ENEA Frascati
Via E. Fermi 45
I-00044 Frascati (Roma) Italy
phone 00-39-06-9400-5597
FAX 00-39-06-9400-5735
E-mail bracco@frascati.enea.it
WWW http://fusfis.frascati.enea.it/~bracco