[OpenAFS] OpenAFS & Linux kernel 2.6: please have a trackable bug report / task ?

Timothee Besset ttimo@idsoftware.com
Thu, 19 Feb 2004 17:19:37 +0100

I don't think arguments about production servers are relevant really. We 
are talking about AFS in 2.6 kernels, which doesn't exist in any form 
currently, so talking about "production" is way too early.

When/if 2.6 support happens, it will have to go through a developement 
path, it will have to be a testing/experimental thing for some time. For 
everyone concerned about production use, I would say "the earlier the 
better" instead of "if it's not production, it's not good". Cause things 
don't reach production grade magically. Someone has to live on the edge 
and run it on test servers first.


John C. Welch wrote:

>On 2/18/04 1:44 PM, "Derrick J Brashear" <shadow@dementia.org> wrote:
>>>Not to interrupt or intrude, but all software has requirements of some sort.
>>>If you make the Linux Security Module an AFS requirement for those running
>>>the 2.6 kernel, then it seems that the problem is halfway solved. Some form
>>Not really. The requirement is "users don't need to build kernels". If
>>vendors ship kernels with this, fine. If they turn it off, the problem is
>>still 0% solved.
>There's also the issue of regression testing post rebuild, which has to be
>done, especially in a production environment. You can't just "figure it will
>work", and barring perfect duplication of test and production environments,
>you can't really rely on a test server. So a kernel rebuild is not going to
>fly that well.