reply Re: [OpenAFS] /usr/sbin/afsd --impatient

Ernest Prabhakar
Tue, 14 Feb 2006 10:50:44 -0800

Hi all,

This is Ernie Prabhakar, the Open Source Product Manager at Apple.    
I've just joined this list, but I have been following the thread, and  
I want to affirm everything Jeffrey said:

a) We definitely want to help the AFS gatekeepers succeed, and talk  
to them on a regular basis

b) ADC bug reports *do* make a difference.  Even if all you get back  
is a notice that your request is a duplicate, the volume of  
duplicates is a *major* factor in identifying which bugs/feature  
requests to prioritize

c) I realize not all of you may have direct contact with your local  
Apple Sales rep; but to the extent you do, the more you can help them  
realize the importance of OpenAFS vs. all the other things people ask  
about, the higher the quality of the information that gets fed back  
to me.

d) If any of you are attending WWDC, I'll be happy to setup an AFS  
roundtable so that those who are interested can share their needs and  
concerns with those who can do something about it.

I may not have time to reply to all your requests personally, but I  
do want to thank Jeffrey, Derrick, Chak, and the others for all their  
hard work on OpenAFS, and let you know that we *are* paying attention.

Ernest Prabhakar
Mac OS X Product Marketing, Apple

On Feb 14, 2006, at 10:30 AM, Christopher D. Clausen wrote:

> Jeffrey Altman <> wrote:
>> Notice I asked you to file the ADC bug report number in the openafs
>> RT. The OpenAFS gatekeepers are in contact with Apple on a regular
>> basis and we can make sure things are followed up.  However, we
>> really need a broad base of users to tell Apple what they need.
>> Otherwise, it is simply a bunch of developers who love their software
>> trying to convince a vendor that people do in fact use it.
> I have informed Apple campus reps at UIUC that we needed OpenAFS to  
> work before we (being one very small portion of UIUC) could deploy  
> Tiger. They responded and said they were aware of the issues and  
> are actively working on them.  So its not that campus-level  
> requests are being ignored.
> (I'd forward the emails, but I have a feeling that our rep(s) don't  
> want thousands of eager AFS users contacting them directly.)
> <<CDC
> -- 
> Christopher D. Clausen
> ACM@UIUC SysAdmin
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