[OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS on OpenSuse 12.1: No connection to filesystem

Starl8gazer Starl8gazer <starl8gazer@yahoo.com>
Fri, 6 Jan 2012 09:45:11 -0800 (PST)

Hello all, =0A=0AThank you for all the helpful and patient comments so far!=
 =0A=0AThe summary of the state of affairs: There is progress in understand=
ing the issue which seems to be firewall-related. Do you agree with this as=
sessment (diagnostics see below)? How can I remedy it? =0A=0AHere is what I=
 did, combining comments in messages https://lists.openafs.org/pipermail/op=
enafs-info/2012-January/037451.html and https://lists.openafs.org/pipermail=
/openafs-info/2012-January/037452.html :=0A=0A* as root with firewall on ('=
/sbin/SuSEfirewall2 start'):=0A=0A:~ # rcopenafs-client start=0Aredirecting=
 to systemctl=0A:~ # /usr/bin/fs listcells -n | grep employer_domain=0ACell=
 employer_domain on hosts employer_server.=0A:~ # /usr/bin/fs checkservers=
=0A[...after a while...]=0AAll servers are running.=0A:~ # ping employer_se=
rver=0APING employer_server (employer_server) 56(84) bytes of data.=0A64 by=
tes from employer_server: icmp_seq=3D1 ttl=3D64 time=3D0.233 ms=0A[...]=0A-=
-- employer_server ping statistics ---=0A4 packets transmitted, 4 received,=
 0% packet loss, time 3000ms=0Artt min/avg/max/mdev =3D 0.233/0.262/0.273/0=
.016 ms=0A:~ # rxdebug employer_server 7003 -version -long=0ATrying employe=
r_server (port 7003):=0A[...after a while...]=0Aget version call failed wit=
h code -1, errno 0=0A=0A* as root with firewall off ('/sbin/SuSEfirewall2 s=
top'):=0A=0A[...]=0A:~ # /usr/bin/fs checkservers=0A[...immediately!...]=0A=
All servers are running.=0A:~ # rxdebug employer_server 7003 -version -long=
=0ATrying employer_server (port 7003):=0A[...immediately!...]=0AAFS version=
:=A0 OpenAFS 1.4.14 built=A0 2011-02-23 =0A=0A* as user:=0A=0A:~ > klog.krb=
5=0APassword for user_name@employer_domain: =0A[...immediately - no further=
 output!...]=0A:~ > /bin/ls -go /afs/employer_domain/home/user_name/hellowo=
rld=0A-rw-r--r-- 1 0 Jan=A0 6 18:02 /afs/employer_domain/home/user_name/hel=
loworld=0A=0AI see in Yast2 - Security and Users - Firewall - Allowed Servi=
ces: Secure Shell Server and xntp Server. The output of 'iptables -L' is lo=
ngish, so for the time being I am not posting it here. In the output I do s=
ee lines which relate to 'ssh' and 'ntp', yet nothing about 'afs'. =0A=0ATh=
anks again!