[OpenAFS-devel] Erratic kernel Oops (afsd-1.4.7_pre3 and
Gautam Iyer
Mon, 21 Apr 2008 20:42:18 -0700
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On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 01:52:21PM -0700, Gautam Iyer wrote:
>>>> I guess GCPAGs is not safe on your system with the locks which are
>>>> available.
>>> Thanks for the quick response. How would I disable this (grep -iR gcpag
>>> showed nothing). Can I just
>>> echo 0 > /proc/sys/afs/GCPAGs
>> How about 2 (userdisabled) 8 is an error state.
> Ah, thanks! (I see now the enum defined in afs.h). Will try and "stress"
> test my system.
Ok -- I've been "stress" testing for a few days now and everything seems
perfect. Thanks Derik.
I was wondering where I can find out more about GCPAGs? Will it
eventually consume all my free memory if I leave it unset? And is there
a particular reason it caused me trouble recently (I was happily running
2.6.24 kernels with OpenAFS and GCPAGs. It only broke on 2.6.25 kernels).
Thanks again for your tip about GCPAGs,
Don't have awk? Use this simple sh emulation:
echo 'Awk bailing out!'
exit 2
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