[OpenAFS-devel] 1.6.1pre3?
Jeffrey Altman
Sun, 04 Mar 2012 02:43:01 -0500
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On 3/4/2012 2:06 AM, Garrett Wollman wrote:
> <<On Fri, 2 Mar 2012 19:21:08 -0500, Derrick Brashear <shadow@gmail.com=
> said:
>> sent to binary builders. there's a potential issue, though it may be
>> solaris only.
>> it will be announced when it's ready.
> It would be nice if the OpenAFS release process had a bit more
> transparency. Is there another mailing-list that everyone who cares
> needs to be on?
> -GAWollman
There is nothing that is being hidden. Anyone who wants to can register
themselves with gerrit.openafs.org and assist with the reviewing of
patch sets to the various OpenAFS branches. Gerrit can be configured to
send e-mail notifications of each patch set that is submitted for review.=
The other list you can subscribe to is openafs-cvs@openafs.org which
sends notifications for each patchset that has been approved via Gerrit
upon its submission to the openafs git repository.
OpenAFS releases are announced to the community after the releases have
been built and tested on a broad range of platforms. Buildbot performs
source builds on a range of platforms but there is no automated testing
of the functionality integrated into the gerrit review process.
Therefore, we must wait for manual testing to be performed by the
release team members before announcements are made.
Jeffrey Altman
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